It’s hard to believe, but This is Antalya is turning THREE next month!!! We never could have imagined when we launched this site in February of 2020 that the world was about to shut down for several months. It was not necessarily the greatest time to start a tourism website! However, we are grateful to say that, even with extensive lockdowns until June of 2021, we have been able to post weekly stories and highlights of our explorations and adventures.
Since its conception, the heart behind This is Antalya has been “to tell the stories of the lovely people who live and work in this place, while also relaying helpful tips and advice to make your time here the best it can be. We desire to not only provide an insider’s guide to the area for people who come to visit or to live, but also to deliver a service to the people of Antalya by highlighting all that it has to offer…not just the typical tourist spots.”
Whether you are visiting or you are a foreigner who lives here, This is Antalya is for you. We are not offering tours, hotel packages, or any other services other than insightful information about our experiences throughout this incredible province.
In that light, as we transition into this new year and also expand our contributing writer family (more people = more ground we can cover) we are excited to share what is coming in 2023!!!
Coming in February to This is Antalya is an upgraded look and a new category: Expat Advice. Here we will feature more helpful tips for people who live in Antalya. We hope to offer basic information about things like obtaining visas, looking for and setting up apartments, and registering imported phones. But what we are most excited to offer is more recommendations and stories of people and places you might need every day: doctors, electricians, repairmen, cleaners, printers, car rental places, special restaurants, and the list goes on.
We are beyond excited to share more stories from the diverse people who call Antalya home, and we hope you will be excited with us!!!

Expats of Antalya, as we work to curate articles, please let us know what information would be helpful for you either in the comments or in the contact form below.

Another fun, we hope, addition to This is Antalya on Instagram and eventually YouTube will be recurring posts and videos featuring our writing team’s pets. Because we know most people love cute animal reels and because we got new pets, we are a little too giddy to share with you the explorations of these cute critters as we are out and about! In all seriousness, we are learning about traveling with pets in Turkey (something that is becoming more common) and want to provide resources for pet owners who come to Antalya, too.
Here’s to growth and more discoveries in 2023!!!